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Wyss Center

Advancing our understanding of the brain

Now established in 2020 as a leader in Biotechnology and Neurotechnology, the Wyss Center has entered the next phase of its journey, meeting the challenge of consolidating the organization's ability to deliver not only scientific value, but also clinical, societal, and economic value.

This turning point became a great opportunity for AREA 17 to move forward with the new brand positioning and website, reaffirming the Center's mission and strengthening its reputation as a world-class leader

The Wyss Center website is made with Twill, our open-source CMS for Laravel.


In order to advance the positioning of the brand and site, our work was grounded on the mission, values and culture that the Wyss Center wishes to convey. We had to translate into design the rigorous stature of an expert institute, a catalyst to bring together the best minds from across the landscape of industry and academia, as well as the important contribution of a young organisation at the forefront of innovation, in its ability to deliver major advances to improve lives.

Wyss Center Advances Landing Desktop
Wyss Center Iphones V2

The structure of the site uses simplified way-finding to better introduce visitors to who the Wyss Center are, what is their mission and how they make impact, concentrating concise, clear and powerful messages thanks to a clear focused page rhythm.

The site effectively highlights and connects the Center's Teams, projects and capabilities, enhanced by immersive images with a greater emphasis on people and patient impact.

Wyss Center Explore Screen 1 Wyss Center Explore Screen 2 Wyss Center Explore Screen 3
Wyss Center Advance
Wyss Center Design System Blocks

The site is one of the primary ways people interact with the Center. By providing a clear picture of the organization and its culture, it enhances its credibility and the breadth of its capacity. This new presentation acts as a supercharged business card aiming to engage users and facilitate contact, whether for the purpose of collaborating with teams or seizing partnership opportunities.

Wyss Center Profile Desktop

The design approach has enabled a custom-made, flexible and scalable interface to be built, based on a limited number of graphical components to ensure simplicity and efficiency of usage of the system, which can be easily reused and extended to meet future developments.

This approach has resulted in a close collaboration with the technology, which has developed a tailor-made content management tool, answering the Design System and focusing above all on simplicity of publication.

Wyss Center Quote Tablet