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12:56 am

06:56 am





Elevating patient care with AI

In 2017, Gleamer pioneered the future of medical imaging by putting medical-grade AI capabilities into the hands of radiologists. Today, their technology has become one of the world's most adopted AI solutions. 

In order to fulfill their ambition of global expansion, AREA 17 collaborated on a new brand and website to solidify their leadership position, highlight the trust they've earned, and differentiate them in a homogeneous landscape.

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Most clinicians understand that AI holds promise for healthcare innovation to increase diagnostic accuracy, accelerate workflow, and improve patient care. Yet, they worry about job security, AI-induced errors, and obscure 'black box' conclusions. These adoption concerns are real but surmountable.

The aim was to expand the brand beyond a tool suite to a holistic platform and shift it from a service provider to an actual partner for clinicians. To do this, we addressed clinicians' concerns and positioned Gleamer as a 'copilot for doctors' or a second pair of eyes, focusing on patient outcomes, doctor empowerment, and healthcare transformation.

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To clarify what GLEAMER is and its benefits for the people, we made the identity and tone more human and accessible. We created a logo and visual identity that visually expresses what makes GLEAMER unique and clarifies the technology behind its solution. 

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